Welcome to Theatre Beyond Broadway
the New York City platform that empowers you to achieve your theatrical dreams

We’re the platform that fosters, encourages, and promotes YOU the Independent Theatre Artist.
We amplify your voice and the diverse voices of New York City.
After all, that’s what theatre is all about, right? Voices and their stories that create connection, community, and highlight the human experience.
Here at Theatre Beyond Broadway we:
Highlight Independent Theatre Artists like you to amplify their unique voice.
Provide professional theatre reviewers to attend your crafted show.
Publish reviews of your productions to promote your story to NYC audiences.
Why do we do this? Because your voice is the thing that contributes to theatre’s power. Make your voice heard.
“I am always over the moon when Malini and I get the opportunity to work together! She wears so many hats, from producer to blogger, but underlying everything she does is a genuine love of theatre and a commitment to uplifting the voices of independent artists.”
Emily Owens, Emily Owens PR.
Hi, my name is Malini SingH McDonald.
I am Theatre Beyond Broadway.
Here’s what you need to know about me: I’m a dreamer and goal-setter.
Over the course of 25+ years in show business, I’ve worn many hats to successfully amplify Indie Voices. I know the theatre industry more intricately than most.
Here are some of the hats I have worn in the past:
Consultant for theatre groups and companies.
Marketer, Director, and Producer for Independent Theatre Artists.
Panel Moderator, including The Public Theatre, New York Theatre Workshop, Atlantic Theatre Company.
Producer of the 2011 Broadway Revival of Godspell.
Co-Founder of Black Henna Productions and Non-Disposable Theatre.
Because of my experience and mission, I’ve graciously received the following awards:
New York State Department of Financial Services 2022 Superintendent’s Award for Diversity and Inclusion
Woman of Distinction Award for Contribution to Media, Arts, and Culture from the City of New York, 2008
Remember how I said “I am” Theatre Beyond Broadway? I live and breathe theatre beyond the lights of Broadway. Most importantly, I do it for the Independent Theatre Artists like you, with voices like yours.
One click below, and I’m already working to amplify it.
The story
The curtain opens. The lights twinkle. Suddenly the art of dreams becomes reality. The warmth of possibility unfolds right in front of your eyes and you start to think: Anything is possible.
That filled my heart and fueled my passion as a young girl. I was immediately swept away by the magic of live theatre. My guess is you’ve also experienced that.
Have you felt like anything is possible after seeing a show? All the elements — the acting, the script, the blocking, the choreography, the marketing that gets butts into seats — come together to create something of pure, unmatched magic.
Theatre Beyond Broadway was created by the magic I felt all those years ago with the passion to create space for all theatre artists. I believe that dreams are possible. I must pay it forward to artists like you. I must give it back and keep it real. Why?
Because your story is one of a kind. Your voice matters. It would be like stealing the future of theatre if I didn’t give back to artists like you.
“Malini Singh McDonald has made a unique contribution to the theatre community through Theatre Beyond Broadway. It uniquely fosters relations within the independent theatre community and promotes the work of independent artists. It creates an awareness of the vast possibilities of collaborations and expands the diversity of productions. The public reader is rewarded with an inside look into endless possibilities to explore.”
JOAN D. FIRESTONE is a familiar figure in NYC’s cultural and civic communities, having held policy-level positions in the for-profit, nonprofit, and government sectors including: Assistant Director of the New York State Council on the Arts; President of Primary Design Galleries; Executive Director of the Flushing Meadows-Corona Park Association; Director of Economic Development and Cultural Advisor to the NYC Comptroller; Special Advisor in the Arts to the NYC Schools Chancellor; and Executive Director of The Moth. Firestone maintains an active role in the theatre community in the development of innovative new works promoting social change. A former Co-President of LPTW, she is currently co-chair of the International Committee and serves on the Boards of The Moth, En Garde Arts, and New Yorkers for Culture and Arts (NY4C&A).
Joan D. Firestone
My path to the theatre started as a young performer in a show called A Crack on the Ceiling at Lincoln Center. However, I was in college when the theatre community welcomed me with open arms and showed me the endless possibilities to create. I have my non-speaking role in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night to thank for that.
The sense of community that exists in the theatre is at times indescribable. We come together to create, bring life to words on a page, and then bring our truth to the work. It’s within this community that I formed relationships that’ll last a lifetime. The joy of walking into a theatre and either bumping into a friend, seeing them run tech, or on stage — Magic!
My theatre journey went like this:
Acting → Directing → Producing → Marketing → Consulting → Educating → TBB Podcast [link]. (Not necessarily in that exact order.)
The great insight I’ve gained during my time in theatre is: if you love it, pursue it. If it doesn’t call you, drop it. If it’s just there, put it on the shelf. You can come back to it later.
After years of being around the theater, I learned every single aspect of what it takes to put on a show. I learned how everything works. How everything intertwines and comes together to create a seamless work of art.
Through years of experiences and creating relationships with artists, I grew an email list. I started email blasts that filled people in on theatre happenings. This was the nugget that started my accidental fall into PR and Marketing.
At one point, I worked with an up-and-coming Broadway producer named Ken Davenport. He was the lead producer of the musical revival of Godspell. He asked me if I was interested in being a producer. Uh, yes, please. Broadway credit.
That insightful experience shone a light on producing and promoting commercial theatre. Ideas flowed through me.
I remember saying to myself “How do I transfer that knowledge to my theatre? This can work on a community theatre level. This can work on an indie level. This can work for you. This can absolutely work. Let’s get started.”
Artists like you asked me to review your show. Then how to get press to see your shows. Finally, how to get industry invited to your show. My experience in the industry allowed me to offer suggestions, counsel, and a unique perspective to artists. I was also able to speak truthfully about the business because I was already in it.
Your show is special. Everyone’s show is special. What is your “Why”? I'm here to amplify your “Why,” and your voice to market your show and make your magic shine.
“Malini Singh McDonald was just who I needed to get my original musical off the ground and in front of two sold-out audiences. She brought a wealth of experience and creativity to the stage with production professionals and resources to simplify an overwhelming project on a tight schedule.”
AnnaMarie Prono, Playwright, Happening Woman: A New Musical
This business is all about connection. Human connection. Emotional connection. Connecting with others.
I’m grateful for every experience with all the people I’ve met. These connections led me to big dreams, and they came true.
The Future of
Theatre beyonD broadway
The future of Theater Beyond Broadway is to meet the generations to come. As I said before, it would be like stealing if I didn’t.
The magic of theater is what got me here. The magic of theater is what got you here, reading this page on this website.
Fairy dust needs to be sprinkled throughout this world. The way to do that is to amplify your voice.
Take a moment to immerse yourself in your first show memory. Can you feel it? Can you feel the magic? Can you feel the spark glowing? It’s here.
So, click on the button below and I’ll….