Bill’s 44th 

Created by Dorothy James & Andy Manjuck 

HERE Arts Center at 145 6th Avenue, NYC

July 10-28

Every once in a while, you stumble on something that is just pure magic; a theatrical experience that has you smiling from lights up to lights down. Originally commissioned by Dixon Place and with a grant from the Jim Henson Foundation, work began on Bill’s 44th in 2020 only to be delayed by COVID. That’s a long time to wait for your guests to arrive for your party!  

And boy! Is Bill ready to celebrate!?! Snacks, punch (that packs a punch indeed!) and decorations are ready! And now we wait . . . as the clock ticks by in real time . . . the guests will be here any minute! Is that a knock at the door? Wait, is that the phone? 

While Bill’s night might not be off to a great start, I can tell you the audience was having a blast. We were entranced by the ‘everyman’ quality of Bill and his two skillful puppeteers. We all related to every mishap. We’ve had those days that start off with such great potential only to have nothing go right. This light comedy swings into farce and the real adventure begins. Not to give too much away, suffice it to say, Bill has a wild night. 

There is a sweetness about Bill that keeps the audience rooting for him even when he’s frustrated and acting out. We get an unexpected glimpse of birthdays past. Little Bill is so excited about his birthday. And while Bill’s world has changed, the wonderment of Little Bill remains. Through Bill’s interaction with Little Bill, we are reminded to treat ourselves with kindness; to love ourselves and be gentle with ourselves. In that moment of self-discovery, the audience really wants Bill’s 44th to be his best birthday ever. 

From storyline to design to performance, Bill is a tour de force. Everyone brought their A Game to the party. Composer Eamon Fogerty’s score is perfectly groovy! The set is simple, but surprising. A shout out that never gets said, to the stage manager / board op, those were some tight, precise cues. Jon Riddleberger, so much more than a pizza delivery guy, yet such a spot-on cameo. Andy Manjuck and Dorothy James, the masterminds, have created something that defies comparison. Bill’s 44th is an absolute delight.  

Bill will be celebrating his birthday month in NYC. Do yourself a favor and get to the party. And, if you’re going to be in Edinburgh this August, catch him at the Fringe

Puppeteers Andy Manjuck, Dorothy James, and Jon Riddleberger 

Creative Collaborator Jon Riddleberger 

Composer Eamon Fogarty 

Puppet Design by Dorothy James 

Sound Design by Andy Manjuck 

Lighting Design by M. Jordan Wiggins 

Dramaturg Helena Pennington 

Additional Set/Prop Construction by Peter Russo, Joseph Silovsky, & Taryn Uhe 

Review by Nicole Jesson.

Published by Theatre Beyond Broadway on July 12th, 2024. All rights reserved.


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