Show Reviews
Theatre Beyond Broadway is dedicated to ampliying the voice of the Independent Theatre Artist. This includes reviewing shows and projects.
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What happens to two Polish families, one Jewish and one Catholic, during and after WWII? Two Columbia University students meet when a campus protest of the VietNam War
turns violent. Neither knows the connection between their families, but their fathers do. Check out this review of Hidden by Nicole Jesson.

Indecisiveness. For how long can we prolong making a decision until the prolonging becomes the decision itself? Nicole Jesson reviews Misconceptions, a play written by Steve Wangh in it’s infancy stage. Premiering in 2023, this play focuses specifically on the never-ending political debate: Women and their right to choose. It harnesses the nuanced and layered questions that have lingered over years and years. Check out the review here.

Longing Lasts Longer
“A night with Ms. Arcade will encourage you to disengage from the hive mind, to step back and (wait for it) . . . think.” As Nicole Jesson describes Penny Arcade’s one-woman-show at the White Horse Theatre Company in 2023, Longing Lasts Longer makes us question our past, and live in the present. Check out the review!

Sex Witch The Musical
“This completely true story explores my relationship to cult mentality, mind control, folie a deux (a psychological term that means madness between two) sexual abuse, lgbtq exploration, witchcraft, love, mid 2000s popular culture, millennial celebrity culture, and, wait for it... Harry Potter.” That is what Maggie’s show Sex Witch is all about. Check out this review of the one woman show in 2023 by out TBB reviewer, Nicole Jesson.

Khan!! The musical!
Star Trek and Musical theatre fans got the best of both worlds with Khan the musical in May of 2019. Check out this review written by our Theatre Beyond Broadway team member, Nicole Jessen. The indepndent show, Khan the musical ran at The Players Theatre on MacDougal Street in NYC in May of that year.