If I Did You Deserved It

Written by Jess Lauricello; Directed by Casey Kelly

10th Annual Queerly Festival presented by FRIGID New York

Under St. Marks, 94 St Marks Street, NYC

June 21st

“If I Did You Deserved It” by Jess Lauricello is a snappy and vibrant play that tackles the grim and constantly contemplated question of “What justifies being sent to hell?” Showcasing a unique perspective on conversing with the devil in purgatory, the play exposes the behaviors that make humans worthy of eternal damnation.  

Starting in the afterlife, a collection of sinners is unknowingly tested by participating in a dingy apartment party where one partygoer kills themselves so the devil can see how the others will react. When there’s no reaction to this tragedy, the play switches to what appears to be a waiting room worse than the DMV where each participant waits for their dreaded conversation with the Devil that will determine their placement in perdition. Each individual comes face to face with the prince of Lies (played sleekly by Claudia Zajic) and confronts the sins of their time on earth. While we never learn each person’s fate, it’s easy to assume who will be keeping the fallen angel company in his kingdom.  

This performance was at Under St. Marks giving it an intimate intensity which, combined with Lauricello’s quick-witted writing allowed the actors to shine. The set and lighting were simple, which might have been a disservice since there were moments where leads were not lit, and the ensemble pulled focus from where the attention needed to be. Still, the show had the audience (and theater staff) cracking up and contemplating their own life decisions at the same time.  

Watching this show was an incredibly fun experience because it tackled a dark subject with smooth satisfying wit. It was easy to understand what was happening, even if the characters didn’t, and I was undeniably intrigued when everyone individually confessed to their wrong doings to Satan. The party music playing throughout the whole show made me think I was going crazy- but maybe that was the point? Still, I find myself thinking about Lauricello’s lines and curious to see this show at a higher level, because if it did… it’d deserve it. 

Presented at the Queerly Festival on June 21 at 7pm. The creative team includes Jess Lauricello (Playwright), Casey Kelly (Director), Laurizarry (Producer), Hunter McIlvain (Stage Manager), Jack Jewell (Lighting Designer), Jaixa Irizarry (Costume Designer), Claudia Zajic (Sound Designer), Bella Saban (Props Designer), Haley Lopes (Dramaturg), and Monika Orzelowski (Script Consultant). The cast features Samson Macdermot, Annabella Pritchard, Luis Feliciano, Padraig Bond, Claudia Zajic, Pedro Vierre, Kristen Hoffman, and Joe Morris. It was produced by the up & coming: Laurizarry. 

Review by Penelope Deen.

Published by Theatre Beyond Broadway on June 26th, 2024. All rights reserved.


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